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request for suggestions/ideas

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request for suggestions/ideas Empty request for suggestions/ideas

Post  Aaror Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:11 pm

OK, if the makers of Ikariam hired you to direct future expansions of the game, what would you want to do with it?
Alternatly, if you were making a new online multiplayer game, what would you put into it?
Any suggestions here may make their way into Oceana. Thanks in advance for the ideas.

Tribuni Angusticlavii
Tribuni Angusticlavii

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request for suggestions/ideas Empty Experience and Moral attributes for armies / navies

Post  Uechi3 Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:44 am

Have you considered experience and moral.

In increase in either would make the units more powerful, a decrease makes the unit less powerful.

Moral could be increased by having certain objects such as buildings(training camp), research(professional military),0 special units(drill instructors) and the like. Moral could also be increased by recent military victories or decreased by recent loses. Moral could be affected by the level of economy and any number of other factors. Moral would effect all units in the nation.

Experience would be on a per unit basis. For example an army unit that just won a battle would receive an experience bonus. Also, an unit that just lost a battle would receive the bonus. The first battle is the most important and receives the highest bonus. The multiplier would be something like the reciprocal of the number of battles for each new battle. For example first battle 50% bonus, second battle and additional 25%, third battle and additional 33% etc.


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request for suggestions/ideas Empty Re: request for suggestions/ideas

Post  Aaror Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:04 pm

Sounds fun to code Sad ...
Still, I will try. For morale, would you accept it being army wide vice unit specific? That would make it a lot easier for me.
My plan is to build the game in MS Access, so I have to figure out how the tables work together, but I would just have to keep a table for each unit for exp.
Also, what would "seasoned," troops get? Traditionally, the most important benefit of experience was that your troops were less likely to run away. This works well with the morale idea, if each round both sides looked at if they "won," the battle, and if they won the battle between groups (won right flank, but lost overall), and damage, and had troops consider fleeing, it could be fun. Would result in troops left after battles too.
I am reluctant to give attack or defence bonuses when the starting stats are so low. Should I reconsider the low unit stats? I could easily multiply my starting numbers by 10, and this would give me more fine tuning ability.

Tribuni Angusticlavii
Tribuni Angusticlavii

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Join date : 2009-04-12
Age : 49
Location : Mechanicsburg, PA USA

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